How does elevated blood pressure work?
There are so many causes of high blood pressure, such as genetics, obesity, smoking, mental stress, stress, lack of exercise, staying up late, excessive taste and alcoholism. Whatever the cause, it all leads to one common result - blocked blood vessels.
All the tissues, organs and cells in the human body likewise need metabolism to live. Oxygen + nutrients are absorbed and carbon dioxide + metabolic wastes are expelled, all of which are "transported" by the blood so that "tissues, organs and cells" can live. These things are all "transported" by the blood so that "tissues, organs and cells" can live and life can be sustained.
If the blood vessels are blocked, the normal pressure of blood cannot flow through, and if the blood does not flow through, the organs cannot metabolise properly and will become ischemic and necrotic. The body's solution is to raise the pressure to pump the blood through, so that the tissues and organs can function, but the blood pressure will also be high, and this is the reason for high blood pressure. In 2009, the official medical name for "hypertension" in the USA was changed to "vascular syndrome", because elevated blood pressure is only one manifestation of a vascular problem. In other words, high blood pressure is the "symptom" and blocked blood vessels are the "cause". The cause of elevated blood pressure is blocked blood vessels, but what is blocking them?